Step into the pages of history and experience one of America’s most iconic cigar makers! Union Cigar in Hanover, PA is hosting an event dedicated to La Palina cigars and their timeless journey.
This historic cigar brand has been wowing fans and aficionados since 1896. Whether you’re a seasoned cigar connoisseur or just starting to explore the rich culture and flavors this experience has to offer, we invite you to come chill with us for a laid-back night out that honors the La Palina legacy.
Savor the aromatic smoke wafting up into the air as you get up close and personal with some of the best handmade cigars crafted by master blenders. And don’t forget to bring home your favorite memories as a keepsake—take a few boxes with you so you can enjoy them later, too!
It’s going down at Union Cigar on May 19th starting at 6 PM, so be sure to mark your calendars. Let’s make this yet another legendary chapter in La Palina’s ever-changing story!